Two Hard Truths of Dreaming Big I want to be where the people are I want to see want to see ’em dancin’ Walkin’ around on those (Whad’ya call ’em?) oh – feet...
Give Your Team a Soundtrack As I write this blog, I’m watching the sunrise. Looking across the backyard, I can see the black of night fading into grays, oranges, and...
Be a Next Level Leader A Next Level Leader shines brightest when trouble is greatest. In the darkest of places, the smallest of lights seem bright. A Next Level...
Identify Your Life’s Message You have a purpose. God designed you with a specific plan in mind. We are all called, collectively, to fulfill the great commission. We...
Unmute Your Leadership | Part 3 A Next Level Leader is most effective when they leave no doubt about where they are going or how they are going to get there. In this...
Unmute Your Leadership | Part 2 A Next Level Leader is strongest when they handle negative things in a positive way. In my last post, I connected with leaders who want to...
Unmute Your Leadership | Part 1 Leaders are often frustrated by the fact that their words, lessons, and rants aren’t making a difference in the lackluster performance of...
Leadership Lessons From Jesus and High School Musical Jesus was the world’s greatest leader. He began without a birthright and started the greatest movement the world has ever known. His...