4 Attributes of a God-given Vision | Dreams & Visions Bonus Content


In the series Visions & Dreams, we are talking about the Apostle Peter quoting the Prophet Joel saying, “[NKJV] Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.

On Sunday, June 5, 2022, we talked about the young men seeing visions. You can access that teaching on podcast or video via Facebook, YouTube, or FiveLakes.church.

We learned that this language is male-specific. It’s not that women can’t receive vision from the Lord; In fact, Joel said that generations of both men & women would prophesy – or repeat what they heard [prophets don’t create prophecy, but repeat what they’ve heard]. In this prophecy, Joel & Peter are calling out that this is part of the expected experience of Godly men. The information I’m sharing in this video applies to both men & women.

What is vision? Vision is the ability to wisely consider and plan for the future.

[ESV] Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.

ESV uses the word ‘prophetic,’ clarifying the meaning of vision; It’s a vision connected to things of God; Not a selfish vision but a God-sized/focused vision.

When vision is lost, restraint is lost. Vision = restraint. There are God-given visions and visions born from our own desires:

Lust of the flesh

Lust of the eye

Pride of life

Joel/Peter said vision is connected to Heaven. The ability to have vision is a God-given gift. Some people have stronger natural vision than others. What if that vision was connected to Heaven? It produces a world/destiny-changing vision.

4 Attributes of a God-given Vision:

  1. Kingdom-focused: God’s vision is never self-focused.

Kingdom vision is not focused on our ownership but on our stewardship. We may own houses, property, companies, and assets of many kinds. We don’t and can’t own the vision of the church. This is a reality I had to wrestle with as a younger pastor. I’m naturally entrepreneurial – Kristy & I have owned several companies, and I’m confident that I could build a strong business.

The vision God birthed in me is to build His Kingdom through the local church. No matter what I give to the church – I’ll never own it. That’s true about the church & it’s true about the vision God gives you. If you are a business owner & your vision is just about your business – it’s not a God-given vision.

IT’S NOT BAD – it’s just too small & too self-focused to be God’s vision. If your vision is to impact the world in a way that honors Christ & you are funding that from your business’s profits, that’s Kingdom Vision!

We steward God’s vision, and we pass it to the next person God calls to carry it.

Because God’s vision isn’t self-focused, we never outgrow it. There is no end to God’s Kingdom, so outgrowing its potential is impossible. This means that there is life long opportunity to make a difference.

2. Unifying in nature: God’s vision can’t be accomplished alone.

God always brings people together; From Adam/Eve to Church – God multiplies His Kingdom by a unified effort. If you can accomplish it alone – the vision isn’t big enough. It isn’t God-sized. It also clearly reveals that anyone claiming a vision that destroys unity – isn’t clear about the origin of that vision. Since creation, everything comes from something – so multiplying to expand the Kingdom is not disunity but the ultimate result of unity. It’s how babies are born.

3. Elevational in purpose: God’s vision is never to diminish.

God’s vision always elevates those in and around it. There are times when our pride is broken so our spirit can rise up. This brokenness is to build up.

We humble ourselves so He can lift us up in all things. Personal humility is a choice that results in elevation as God elevates. When we serve His vision, it pushes us to elevation: in our own lives, in the lives of those we touch, and in our community.

4. Salvation oriented: God’s vision always draws people to Himself.

He has never given a vision on earth that didn’t have more people in Heaven at its heart. Any vision in life that does not have more people knowing Christ as its ultimate purpose cannot be given by God. It may be children, employees, customers, coworkers, or friends who are impacted

It may be an impact by a personal witness, a testimony of God’s ability to bless beyond imagination. It may be the funding of Kingdom work from resources gained in the marketplace. It could be revealed in many ways, but it will have the intention of Filling Heaven and Emptying Hell!

These are 4 Attributes of vision that God gives. There may be more, but I think these give us the ability to assess the vision of our life and see if we are on the right track. If so – press on! If not – don’t freak out or feel despondent. Just begin asking God to expand your ability to see His vision for your life. I believe he will answer that prayer.