Understanding the Kingdom of Heaven
You are part of a kingdom. Wherever you live, you are part of one kingdom or another. I based this blog post on a sermon I preached at Five Lakes Church on January 5, 2025. You can find the sermon video here.
The question is, “What does it mean to be part of a kingdom?” I want you to think about this: If you’re a citizen of a country, that means you have rights, responsibilities, and benefits that come with that citizenship. But what if I told you that the most important citizenship you could ever have isn’t based on a nation, but on a Kingdom?
From the very beginning of His ministry, Jesus didn’t talk about religion. He didn’t talk about joining a church. He spoke of a Kingdom. Listen to His first recorded sermon in Matthew 4:17 (NLT):
“Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
That means the Kingdom isn’t something far off. It’s not just about heaven after we die. Jesus said it’s here. The Kingdom of God is a present reality. So, we’re going to answer three key questions:
  1. What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
  2. Why did Jesus establish it?
  3. What does it mean for your life today?

What is the Kingdom of Heaven?

Let’s be clear—the Kingdom of Heaven is NOT:
  1. A religion
  2. A political movement
  3. A church denomination
The Kingdom of Heaven is God’s government, and Jesus is the King. Unlike the governments we know, where power is divided, and leaders change, God’s Kingdom operates under His absolute rule. No elections. No debates. No term limits. The King is eternal.
Colossians 1:16-17 (NLT):
“Everything was created through Him and for Him. He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together.”
That means everything—your life, job, family, and future—belongs to the King. And if He’s the King, that means we are His citizens.

3 Key Features of the Kingdom of Heaven


1. Citizenship, Not Membership
Many people think the Kingdom is something you join—like a church club. But you don’t join a kingdom. You are either born into it or granted citizenship.
Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3 (NLT):
“I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”
You don’t earn your place in the Kingdom. You receive it by faith in Christ.
2. The King’s Presence Defines the Kingdom
Wherever the King reigns, the Kingdom is present. That means the Kingdom of God isn’t limited to a physical place—it is wherever people submit to Jesus as Lord.
That includes your home, workplace, and relationships—anywhere you allow Jesus to rule.
3. The Kingdom Produces Transformation
Every kingdom has a culture. In the world, that culture is pride, greed, and self-interest. But in God’s Kingdom, the culture is righteousness, peace, and joy.
How do you know if you’re living in the Kingdom? You’ll see the evidence in your life—healing, justice, forgiveness, and a changed heart. The Kingdom doesn’t orbit around you—it’s anchored in Jesus.

Why Did Jesus Establish the Kingdom?

Jesus didn’t come to save individuals but to restore a Kingdom. His mission had three purposes:
  1. Restoration – Returning humanity to our original purpose of ruling with God.
  2. Representation – God called you and me to reflect the culture of Heaven on Earth.
  3. Relationship – The Kingdom is not about control; it’s about walking in a personal relationship with the King.
The problem is that many people misunderstand the Kingdom. Why?
We Think in Worldly Terms
Most people assume the Kingdom is like an earthly government or religious system. But Jesus said in John 18:36 (NLT):
“My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom.”
We Resist Submission
Let’s be honest—we don’t like giving up control. But the Kingdom of God requires full surrender. It’s not about your plans; it’s about His rule.
It Requires a Complete Mindset Shift
That’s why Jesus’ first message was “Repent!” The word “repent” means to change the way you think. You can’t live in the Kingdom while thinking like the world.

Why Is It Hard to Center Our Lives on Jesus?

The Kingdom of God is always under attack by the spirit of the Antichrist.
1 John 4:2-3 (NLT) says:
“If a person acknowledges that Jesus Christ came in a real body, that person has the Spirit of God. But if someone does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus, that person is not from God. Such a person has the spirit of the Antichrist, which you heard is coming into the world and indeed is already here.”
The spirit of the Antichrist is already here, working to oppose the rule of Jesus on the earth.
Here’s how:
  • It Denies the Truth of Jesus. It pushes the lie that Jesus is just another religious figure, not the King of Kings.
  • It Opposes Christ’s Work in You. It whispers, “You’re not good enough. God doesn’t care about you.”
  • It Distracts with Competing Kings. It tempts us to center our lives on politics, culture, careers, or personal ambitions instead of Jesus.
When I was young, all radios connected to stations as you turned the tuner knob and swept all of the signals until you found the one you were looking for. If you were driving, you would eventually travel far enough away from the radio tower to lose the signal. At times, atmospheric conditions would shift, and something would block the signal, and the clear sound would be drowned out by static. Living for Christ in His Kingdom while in the world is often like trying to tune into a radio station while static drowns out the signal. The static represents the spirit of the Antichrist, trying to distort Jesus’ voice in your life.
The spirit of the Antichrist distorts the truth, but the Spirit of God declares Jesus as King. The answer with the radio and in the Kingdom of God is the same. Grab the tuning knob of your life and begin making the fine adjustments needed to hear the voice of the King instead of letting the noise of the world drown Him out?

The Kingdom Calls Us to Surrender and Represent the King

Surrender isn’t about losing—it’s about stepping into purpose. When we surrender to King Jesus, we don’t just live for Him, we represent Him on the earth.
2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT) says:
“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making His appeal through us.”
You don’t just believe in the Kingdom—you carry it everywhere you go. An ambassador represents their country in everything they do. As Kingdom citizens, we represent the King wherever we go.
“You’re not just a citizen of the Kingdom—you’re its billboard.”
Challenge: What kind of picture of Jesus are you giving the world?

The Church Is Already Victorious

Here’s the truth: The spirit of the Antichrist cannot defeat the Church.
1 John 4:4 (NLT):
“You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”
The Church of Jesus Christ isn’t losing ground—we’re taking ground! Jesus declared in
Matthew 16:18:
“Upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.”
The Kingdom is already victorious. The only question is: Are you living like a citizen of the King?

Next Steps

  1. Reflect – What “kingdom” are you living for right now?
  2. Respond – Surrender an area of your life where you’ve resisted God’s authority.
  3. Represent – Live boldly as an ambassador of King Jesus this week.
The Kingdom isn’t something you visit—it’s something you live in. Jesus is the King. His Kingdom is here. And He has already won!