Understanding the Kingdom of God: Lessons from the Mustard Seed

The Kingdom of God doesn’t arrive with fanfare—it grows from something small, often unnoticed at first.

Jesus frequently used parables to explain deep spiritual truths in ways that His audience could easily grasp. One of His most famous comparisons is the parable of the mustard seed, where He describes how God’s Kingdom expands within and through us. This blog is based on a sermon I preached at Five Lakes Church on February 2, 2025. You can find the sermon video here.

The question is: What does this tiny seed teach us about how the Kingdom of God works in our lives?

What is the Main Message of the Mustard Seed Parable?

A mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds a person can plant, yet it grows into a massive tree that provides shade, shelter, and nourishment. Jesus used this image to show that God’s work often starts small but grows into something beyond what we expect.

Matthew 13:31-32 (NLT)“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”

The Kingdom of God always starts small—but it never stays that way.

How Does the Kingdom of God Work in Our Lives?

People often assume spiritual growth happens all at once, but the reality is that God’s Kingdom grows in stages. First, IN us – When we accept Christ, the Kingdom begins as a seed of faith in our hearts. This internal transformation starts small but grows as we trust and obey God. Then, THROUGH us – As we mature in faith, we influence those around us. Our actions, words, and decisions reflect God’s expanding work through us. God’s Kingdom doesn’t just work in us for our benefit—it grows through us to impact others. The question isn’t “Is the Kingdom growing?”—but “Am I allowing the Kingdom to grow in me?”

Three Key Principles for Kingdom Growth

1. Start Small and Dream Big

Every great movement starts with one step, one act of faith, and one moment of obedience. Small beginnings shouldn’t be dismissed—God often works through what seems insignificant. Every big dream begins with tiny steps. The greatest men and women of faith started with a single “yes” to God. Faithfulness matters more than flashiness. God isn’t impressed by size—He’s looking for obedience.

Zechariah 4:10 (NLT)“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”

You’ll never move forward if you’re waiting for the perfect conditions to start pursuing God’s purpose. Stop waiting. Start planting. The Kingdom doesn’t come through giant leaps but through faithful steps.

2. Plant the Seed

A seed left in a pocket will never grow. The potential is realized only when you take action. No seeds grow unless they’re planted. Growth doesn’t happen by accident—it requires intentionality. Taking action is the first step to seeing Kingdom growth in your life.

James 2:17 (NLT)“So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.”

You’ll never see what God can do if you never step out in faith. The mustard seed is small, but once it’s planted, it takes root, grows, and bears fruit. What Kingdom seed is God asking you to plant today?

3. Focus on Growth, Not Perfect Starts

Too often, people hesitate because they don’t feel ready or qualified. But growth is a process, not an event. You can’t force Kingdom growth—it happens in God’s timing. You don’t have to be perfect to start—God works through progress, not perfection. Faithfulness is what determines your future, not how perfect your start was.

Philippians 1:6 (NLT)“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Stop waiting for the “right time”—the right time is now. The Kingdom grows one small act of obedience at a time.

What Holds Us Back from Kingdom Growth?

Many people never plant their seed because they allow these three growth killers to hold them back:

Perfectionism“I have to get everything just right before I start.”

Procrastination“I’ll start tomorrow.”

Comparison“I’ll never be as good as them.”

These things keep us stuck instead of growing. But the truth is:

God doesn’t need you to be perfect—He needs you to be available.

Delayed obedience is still disobedience.

The only person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday.

You’ll never move if you’re waiting to have all the answers before you obey. God calls us to step out in faith first—then the growth comes.

Life Application: How to Take the Next Step

This week, put action behind your faith with these four steps:

Identify a specific seed God is calling you to plant.

Take action—plant the seed! Even if it’s small, start.

Nurture it daily through prayer and study.

Confront the enemies of growth—perfectionism, procrastination, and comparison.

Reflection Questions:

What small step is God asking you to take today?

Are you letting the Kingdom work both in and through you?

What’s holding you back from planting seeds for God’s Kingdom?

How can you replace comparison with faithful action this week?

Matthew 6:33 (NLT)“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”

Trust the Process of Growth

Your life may not yet look like what it’s meant to be, but God knows the potential He’s planted within you. The seed doesn’t look like the tree—but the tree is already inside the seed. If you plant your faith in God’s hands, He will bring growth in His perfect time. The Kingdom of God grows through small acts of faith, persistent obedience, and trust in God’s process. Don’t let fear, excuses, or distractions keep you from starting small and dreaming big. The only question is: Will you plant the seed?