How to Become a Solution-Centered Leader

Scripture reveals that, as believers, we operate on two levels. As individuals, we work out our salvation and operate in our ministry functions. At the same time, we are one cohesive body of Christ joined with every other believer in the Kingdom of God. This is a unique reality that brings challenges but also great benefits. This means that while you may minister in a singular moment, seemingly standing by yourself, you are never alone.

As teams work together, there are always opportunities for conflict and misunderstandings to arise. It is human nature. We have the choice to be part of the solution or exacerbate the problem. I encourage you to choose to be a solution-finder! We must always remember that our fight is not with the people around us but with the spiritual forces fighting against God.

A short-term decision is usually better than no decision at all.

How do you become a solution centered part of the body of Christ? Let me share a few ideas with you. They are as follows:

1.   Listen first
Author Franklin Covey said, “Seek first to understand.” It is only by truly understanding the issue that you can begin to bring solutions to the table.

2.  De-escalate the situation
Escalating the situation makes you part of making the problem greater. Look for ways to calm the situation down. Speak softly and when appropriate — smile. Very few things are worthy of losing peace over. As leaders, the atmosphere within the church is ours to protect and project.

3.  Pray
Find an opportunity to ask God’s guidance for the moment. Praying with a person who is agitated will often help them in the process of reflecting on their actions and responsibility. It also ushers the presence of God into the situation.
Control the reach of the issue: The fewer people involved, before a solution is found, allows the majority of the staff, volunteers, and attendees to remain focused on the overarching goal of the day.

4.  Ask, “Is it yours to control?”
Do you have the authority to make the final decision? If so, make the decision. If it’s not within the purview of your authority, make a short term decision. A short term decision is usually better than no decision at all. If a mistake is made, it will be addressed later. You are a leader. Lead.

5.  Speak life into the situation
You are not in conflict with the individuals alone but with the spirit behind the individual. Speaking words of life, empowered by the Holy Spirit, will bring a quicker and more lasting peace than natural logic ever could.

6.  Help your team member
Everyone doesn’t need to jump into every situation. Sometimes the best thing you can do for your fellow team member is help deflect attention away from the issue. Our goal is to maintain focus on doing the work of the Kingdom regardless of what else may be going on.

Allow Christ to use you to bring strength to His body. Be a solution finder. Many souls have been entrusted to our care. They are counting on us. God is counting on us. We are empowered. Let’s lead!